
Thursday, September 30, 2004

Letter went out USPS today

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We have an important meeting Sunday. 6:00-7:15 at Hope Community Church. Childcare will be available. We’ll gather to inform you about some important elements of our life together. On the agenda:

#1. Land
#2. Ministry to Families
#3. Money (Regular Giving and Site to Serve)
#4 Our Key Result Areas for the October through May.
#5. Leadership Development

#1. Land
Buying the piece of property on Newberry Road has been a comedy of errors. It was the desire of everyone in leadership to stand before you Sunday night and say, “We have final news, good or bad.” Sadly, we can’t do that. The meeting that was scheduled between seller and attorney was postponed by Hurricane Jeanne until Monday October 4th.
At the meeting you will hear the latest on this whole situation.

#2. Ministry to Families
A.) Children
1.) Good to Great
With the dramatic increase in attendance of undergraduates it seems appropriate to restate our vision for and commitment to seeking to partner with parents in helping their children to hope in God.
Currently Christ Community offers solid biblical teaching at 9am on Sunday mornings. During the 10:00 hour we offer Children’s Church every other week to K-2nd grade.
In order to build on this good we really need to add to this:
~a welcoming environment
~better signage showing newer people where to go
~clearer markers of what our children are learning to help them experiencing & extend the grace of Jesus Christ
~putting resources into parents hands and hearts to teach the Scriptures to their children

For those who want more, I highly recommend an online article: The Family: Together in God’s Presence which can be found at

Core Values of Our Children’s Curriculum:
Redemptive-historical Perspective. The Reformed approach to the Bible is to see it as the complete, unified counsel of God. Therefore, we interpret every small portion of God's Word in the context of the whole.
A God-ward Focus. As we encounter any biblical truth, it teaches us about God and ultimately elicits worship from us as we discover him to be sovereign Creator, Redeemer and King.
Show Me Jesus. The subject of Scripture is God's unfolding story of salvation, and Jesus is its focus. We show how Jesus Christ, reflected on every page of the Bible, came to seek and save the lost.
God's Covenant of Grace. From Genesis to Revelation, covenant is the thread that ties the Bible together: we build on that truth to teach students of all ages the constant faithfulness of God.
The Home Link. Church and home — working together to point children to Christ. We believe parents are key in the spiritual training of their children, and we provide resources for them to reinforce the solid teaching children receive at church.
2.) Children & Communion
The elders are very excited to see that we have many children in the congregation who are interested in taking their place at the Lord’s Table. The elders take the profession of faith of children very seriously. Our normal practice for adults to join the church is to meet privately with the elders to profess their personal faith in Jesus Christ. We don’t force the children to fit into this “interview model” which adults even get nervous about. The way it works is that you or your child should let an elder know that it is time to set up a home visit. I’ll come out with another elder to visit very informally with you and your child(ren). We are simply looking to hear of your child(ren)’s personal faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ and some basic understanding of the Lord’s Supper.

I’ve enclosed the pertinent sections of Christ Community’s Book of Church Order and a lithograph we’ve used in the past.

B. Youth
Currently we have David Bagwell working on a part-time basis with the jr hi and hi school. He’s teaching Deuteronomy in Sunday school and Romans in Youth Group on Sunday evenings.
David and the volunteer leaders are doing a great job of seeking to spend one-on-one time with students during the week. This is crucial and we commend them for seeking to incarnate the gospel to young people.
David is supported administratively and emotionally by help from Maggie Martin, Tyler Walker, Lorraine Martin and of course, Margaret Thaler. This group is always looking for ways to bring more youth in contact with the gospel of grace.

#3.) Money (see attached sheet)
A.) Regular Giving
B.) Site to Serve Capital Campaign

Now, there are some points here that are very encouraging and some points that are quite concerning. Shall we start with encouragements?
Ø To see Land/Building Fund go from $9,000 to $182,000 in 24 months is great progress. One pastor who has seen his church through numerous capital campaigns says, “Rob that is good progress if you have something visible for people to give to. Christ Community can’t even put a ‘Future Home’ sign in the ground and they’ve given like this to an idea? That’s outstanding.”
Ø The amount of money that 50 contributors are giving is quite good.

Opportunities for Growth
Ø Seems that the number of inconsistent contributors (72) is high, we need to see 10 of these become regular givers
Ø Seems that you can’t go long or far with non-members giving half your money. There’s two ways to change that and of the two I prefer to see a migration of non-members into a covenantal relationship with us.

#4 Key Result Areas for October 2004-May 2005
Frankly, I’ve got to talk with our elders, committee chairs and staff to boil these down. Plus, if I give you everything here, you might stay away Sunday!

#5. Leadership Development
The elders and the Education Committee have been working on this, giving time regularly to pray and plan towards elders and deacons to emerge and be ordained from our membership. One thing we’re doing is having me teach Sunday School more often. Also, the elders are taking a relational approach to officer identification.

Let me wrap it up like this…sometimes I stop and stare at my wife and realize, “If I was starting all over again and I was single, I’d set my sights on Kim and go for her.” Yet I can wrongly allow day to day familiarity to cause me to take her and her greatness for granted. Sadly, this happens with Christ Community as well. Does it for you? Do you forget that with all our problems (and we have ‘em!) Christ Community is a work of God’s strong grace? Have you forgotten:
~ the quality of people God has gathered here
~ that some churches go years without seeing a visitor, we rarely go a week
~that we have cross-generational friendships that are vital in this fragmented culture
~that some churches would jump for joy to have the opportunity to impact as many university students as we do
~that we have godly & gifted musicians helping us worship
~so many people are working so hard behind the scenes to help us grow in faithfulness
~ the healthy blended emphasis we have on knowing Christ emotionally and intellectually

One recent note that came into the office said:
So I admit I've been jaded by my previous experiences at other churches.
What I had observed was most Christians are hypocrites, don't care, and are overly worried about appearances. The more I do with Christ Community, the more I realize that I'm wrong. I've really enjoyed my time in Bible studies, really being able to learn about and from other Christians. I know our church isn't a wonder-church … But I feel like people genuinely open up and are seeking after the Lord, for the most part.

I look forward to being with you on Sunday, morning and evening.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The Chief Good, and Delectable

God is bonum summum, the chief good. In the chief good there must be delectability; it must have something that is delicious and sweet: and where can we suck those pure essential comforts, which ravish us with delight, but in God? In God's character there is a certain sweetness which fascinates or rather enraptures the soul. 'At thy right hand there are pleasures.' Psa 16: 11:
In the chief good there must be transcendence, it must have a surpassing excellence. Thus God is infinitely better than all other things. Thomas Watson, 17th century

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Yom Kippur :: Interactive :: Videos

High Holidays 2004 :: Yom Kippur :: Interactive :: Videos

Friday, September 17, 2004

4th grade reading list

Thursday, September 16, 2004

keller quote, graces dependant upon one another

Real self-control dependent on joy

There is a kind of self-control and self-discipline that comes only by substituting one idolatrous over-desire for another one.

• For example, a boy may lack emotional self-control. When someone says to him, “Don’t act like a girl,” suddenly he gets control of his emotions.

• But how does it happen? He has been made to feel superior to women and shamed into control. That throws out one distorted view of life (self-pity) and puts in another distorted view (proud superiority), which produces (for the moment) emotional control. But later in marriage, that man may lose his temper when his wife talks back to him!

• The only true kind of self-control is that which comes from joy in God. Addictions to anger, to habits that make us temporarily feel better about ourselves, all come from a basic lack of joy in our lives.

• What we need above all else is a deep joy and experience of God’s beauty. Then we will not be out of control, addicted to seeking beauty and satisfaction in other things.





Rob Pendley


Thursday, September 09, 2004

Congregational Letter

This letter is going out snail mail today...
Dear Congregation,

Since Hurricane Frances prevented us from worshipping together last weekend, this letter is to inform you of our upcoming Sunday activities.

1) As Gainesville and the rest of Florida continue recovery efforts, we will be taking a special relief offering for the victims of Hurricane Frances. (The special offering for UF campus ministries will be postponed.)

2) Sunday School Orientation & Worker Training. At 9AM in the Student Center, all parents and children are invited to our Sunday School “Open House.” Come meet our teachers, learn about the curriculum, participate in activities, and enjoy refreshments.

Immediately following the service, anyone looking to be involved with our children’s ministry will be asked to meet in the Student Center for the Teacher Training Workshop. Training will last one hour, and lunch is provided.

3) Once again, we are expecting a capacity crowd for the Oak Hall auditorium. Please consider the following ways we may serve our visitors on Sunday:
a. If you are physically able, park in the lower school lot (first parking lot on the left) and walk to the auditorium.
b. As you enter the auditorium, sit toward the front and the center. This will help with overflow as latecomers arrive.
c. Please welcome new people. First impressions are crucial.

4) We will also be celebrating the Lord’s Supper.

5) We have included last week’s “For the Fridge” but wanted to mention two corrections. First, the next Lay Leadership Council meeting is changed from the 13th to the 20th. Also, Rob will be teaching a class at 9am this Sunday, but the topic will be God’s role in “natural” disasters instead of what is listed. Rob will begin the Sunday School class on “Peacemaking” on the 19th.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Buy Depthof Mercy CD and Heaven CD

Buy Depthof Mercy CD and Heaven CD

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


John Calvin, "Let us remember that this sacred feast is medicine to the sick, comfort to the sinner, and bounty to the poor. If you came based on being healthy, righteous, and rich it would be of no value. Thus, the best and only worthiness which we can bring to God is to offer him our own vileness and unworthiness, that his mercy may make us worthy; to despond in ourselves that we may be consoled in him; to humble ourselves that we may be elevated; to accuse ourselves that we may be justified by him."



calvin quote here