
Thursday, September 09, 2004

Congregational Letter

This letter is going out snail mail today...
Dear Congregation,

Since Hurricane Frances prevented us from worshipping together last weekend, this letter is to inform you of our upcoming Sunday activities.

1) As Gainesville and the rest of Florida continue recovery efforts, we will be taking a special relief offering for the victims of Hurricane Frances. (The special offering for UF campus ministries will be postponed.)

2) Sunday School Orientation & Worker Training. At 9AM in the Student Center, all parents and children are invited to our Sunday School “Open House.” Come meet our teachers, learn about the curriculum, participate in activities, and enjoy refreshments.

Immediately following the service, anyone looking to be involved with our children’s ministry will be asked to meet in the Student Center for the Teacher Training Workshop. Training will last one hour, and lunch is provided.

3) Once again, we are expecting a capacity crowd for the Oak Hall auditorium. Please consider the following ways we may serve our visitors on Sunday:
a. If you are physically able, park in the lower school lot (first parking lot on the left) and walk to the auditorium.
b. As you enter the auditorium, sit toward the front and the center. This will help with overflow as latecomers arrive.
c. Please welcome new people. First impressions are crucial.

4) We will also be celebrating the Lord’s Supper.

5) We have included last week’s “For the Fridge” but wanted to mention two corrections. First, the next Lay Leadership Council meeting is changed from the 13th to the 20th. Also, Rob will be teaching a class at 9am this Sunday, but the topic will be God’s role in “natural” disasters instead of what is listed. Rob will begin the Sunday School class on “Peacemaking” on the 19th.


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